Latest Planning Applications...
Live applications for the Parish of Cley will be posted below

NNDC Planning Website
For the latest updates on the above planning applications, including decision notices please the North Norfolk District Council website below; ​
Local Plan - Examination
NNDC's Draft Local Plan is now undergoing independent examination. More information is available on the NNDC website
Cley Parish Council have two adopted policies which may be relevant to planning matters;
CPC Planning Policy - Adopted March 2023
Cley's Code of Construction Practice
Cley is in a Conservation area and an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the NNDC Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan can be viewed below;
Cley Parish Council Planning Policies
Determined Planning Applications - Decision Notices
PF/24/0142 - Greystones - APPROVED
PF/24/0262 - Barn north of Saltmarsh Cottage - APPROVED
PF/24/0161 - Hillrise Cottage - APPROVED
PF/24/0101 - Arcady - APPROVED
PF/23/2331 Clare Cottage - APPROVED
PF/23/2385 - Claia Bourne - WITHDRAWN
PF/23/2014 Dawn Cottage - APPROVED
PF/23/1952 - Green Farm - APPROVED
PF/23/1854 - Wrights Yard Cottage - APPROVED
PF/23/1586 - West Cottage - APPROVED
PF/23/1346 - Fairstead Cottage - APPROVED
LA/23/1176 - Manor House - APPROVED
PF/23/0168 - Holly House - APPROVED
APP/Y2620/C/19/3236385 - APPEAL DISMISSED
PF/23/1043 Hammer Hill, Bridgefoot Lane
NMA/23/0687 - Green Barn - APPROVED
PF/23/0304 - The Saltings - APPROVED
PF/23/0853 - Woodcock Yard, Holt Road -
PF/23/0705 Solveig The Fairstead -
PF/23/001 - Cookes Marsh Barn - REFUSED
PF/23/0067 - 2 Zetland Cottages - APPROVED
LA/23/0340 - The Old Manor House, High Street, Cley - APPROVED
PF/22/1843 West Cottage, New Road, Cley REFUSED
PF/23/0304 - The Saltings - APPROVED
NP/23/0374 - Green Farm, Bridgefoot Lane, Cley - REFUSED
PF/22/2344 The Sheilings Stable - APPROVED
LA/22/2727 The Old Stable, Old Hall Farm Barns- APPROVED
PF/22/3006 - Bird Cottage, Newgate Green - APPROVED
PF/22/1779 Marsh Cottage, Newgate Green - APPROVED
PF/22/1779 Marsh Cottage, Newgate Green - APPROVED
PF/22/2045 The Gables, Church Lane - APPROVED
PF/22/2068 Larchmount - APPROVED
PF/22/1560 Hammer Hill, Bridgefoot Lane - APPLICATION WITHDRAWN
PF/22/0429 Holly House - APPROVED
PF/22/0909 Larkoway, Holt Road - APPROVED
PF/22/1227 Swan Lodge - APPROVED
PF/22/1488 Middle House - APPROVED
PF/22/1332 The Watch House - APPROVED
PF/22/1174 Curlew Cottage - APPROVED
PF/22/1152 Woodland View - APPROVED
PF/22/1091 Green Barn, Holt Road - REFUSED
PF/22/0029 Lane House, Old Post Office Lane - APPROVED
PF/22/0009 Barn at the Cottage, Dawes Loke APPROVED
PF/21/3386 - Three Swallows, Newgate Green APPROVED
PF/21/3398 & la/21/3399 - Church Barn, 3 Newgate Farm Barns APPROVED
RV/21/2583 - Arcady, Holt Road, Cley REFUSED
RV/21/2765- The Flat, Old Rectory Farm (removal of condition) APPROVED
PF/21/2690 - Droxford, Holt Road, Cley APPROVED
PF/21/2536 - Old Rectory Farm, Holt Road, Cley APPROVED
PF/21/2188 - Land at Cooks Marsh, Holt Road, Cley - WITHDRAWN
PF/21/2342 - Middle House, Holt Road, Cley APPROVED
PF/21/2401 - Clare Cottage, Hilltop, Cley APPROVED
PF/21/2759 Rectory Hill Barns, Cley APPROVED