News & Events
Enhanced Bus Service to Norwich
More frequent and faster bus journeys from North Norfolk to Norwich are now available through the new X40 Service operated by Sanders. New Timetable below.

Crime Prevention - Securing your Sheds etc.
There have been a number of thefts in the area and as such Norfolk Police have issued the PDF below advising on how to secure outbuildings and sheds.
Himalayan Balsam Raising Awareness
As part of Norfolk Rivers Trust’s ongoing efforts to protect the rivers and wetlands of Norfolk and the biodiversity they support, we are reaching out to our community to raise awareness about an invasive plant you may already be aware of: Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera).
This non-native species poses a significant threat to our ecosystem all year round as it out-competes native plants and overtakes our riverbanks. Additionally, as a seasonal species, balsam leaves riverbanks bare and vulnerable to erosion over winter.
What can you do to help?
• Increase awareness within your community about Himalayan balsam and its impacts.
• Encourage your community to report sightings and support removal efforts.
• Please get in touch with the Norfolk Rivers Trust if you would like to organise a Balsam bash in your local area.
Toad Patrol
The Cley Toad Patrol has finished for 2024. A huge thank you to everyone involved.
Volunteers saved 1060 Toads, 19 Frogs and 12 Newts.
Unfortunately 525 toads were recorded as dead which means the Parish still has some way to go to reduce the number of casualties.
The Toad Patrol will be back in 2025. If you would like to join the patrol then please contact the Clerk.
Mobile Library Timetable
The latest Mobile Library Timetable PDF
Online Petition Launched ACV-
The Three Swallows
Cley Parish Council have launched an online petition, to collect signatures from residents, who support the Parish Council registering the Three Swallows Public House as an Asset of Community Value (ACV). If successful this would mean that the community would be given first refusal to purchase the building or land if it came up for sale. If you would like to sign the petition please click the link below.