Parish Council Meetings
We meet every month except August, usually we meet on the second Thursday in the month at 6.30 p.m. Our meetings take place in Cley Village Hall, on the Fairstead. Please visit our meeting dates section for more information on this. Our meetings follow the same format and include:
Reports from District and County Councillors
Reports from the Allotments and Parish Hall Committee
Opportunity for public question time
Planning Applications to be considered
Correspondence and financial matters.
We will also talk about our projects.

Our functions
Our minutes, and agendas are all put on the notice board which is in High Street and they are also published on this website. Please visit our agendas and minutes section for more information on this or simply use our contact page to get in touch.
We are a consultee to the District Council on Planning Applications. You can contact us about any planning application and give us your views.
The finances of local councils are governed by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003 (as amended) and this means that each year we have to publish our accounts which need to be presented to our External Auditor by the 14th July following the end of the Financial Year which is on 31st March. We also have to have a comprehensive budget and precepting process which we undertake at our November Parish Council Meeting. The precept is the amount of money we request North Norfolk District Council to collect on our behalf to run our Council. Please visit our budget and policies sections for more information on this or simply use our contact page to get in touch.
The District Council
The District Council deal with such things as waste collections; coastal strategy; planning; benefits and also the collections of the rate. The District Council is situated at Holt Road, Cromer and they can be contacted on 01263 513811.
The County Council
The County Council deals with such things as highways and transportation, waste disposal, education, libraries, social services and fire and rescue services and they are based at County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich. They can be contacted on Telephone number 0344 800 8020.
Our Member of Parliament
Our MP is Mr Duncan Baker. Mr Baker, is based at North Walsham. His office address is Tudor House, Grammar School Lane, North Walsham, NR28 9JH. Tel: 01692 557140.
The Role of the Clerk
The Clerk is the ‘Proper Officer’ of the Council who is responsible for the smooth running of the Council’s business. He/she is the first point of contact for the Council and all correspondence comes to the Clerk.
Responsibility for implementing the decisions of the Council rests with the Clerk along with giving professional guidance where necessary whilst remaining neutral and discrete. The Clerk is also responsible for financial management.
The Clerk prepares, circulates and displays agendas in public places. She/he signs notices and summonses with a list of business to be transacted but does not have the power to fix the meetings of the Council. The Clerk is required to attend meetings, take minutes, keep Council minutes in a book and hold other documents.
A member of the Council may be appointed as Clerk without remuneration but nowadays it is more usual to appoint someone who is not a councillor to be paid for the work they undertake.